How to Take Care of Implant Dentures

Have you recently had implant dentures put in? This year alone, thousands of Canadians from across the country have also received their implant dentures. Implant dentures are supported by and attached to dental implants which are surgically placed in the mouth. Compared to regular dentures which rests loosely on the gums, implant dentures are a much sought-after dental treatment. Imagine chewing, drinking, sneezing or kissing your significant other and not having to worry about your dentures getting loose, moving around or causing you pain. To ensure your implant supported denture continues to function as expected, maintaining and cleaning them regularly is needed. How to take care of your implant dentures involve protecting them from any bacteria or plaque build up which can destroy the denture or worse, the implant itself. A buildup of calculus or plaque around the implant can cause an infection to the tissue or gums surrounding the implant which could cause the implant to fail.

Do not sleep with your removable implant dentures in

One of the basic rules of taking care of your removable implant dentures is to remove them before you sleep at night. This gives you a chance to thoroughly clean your implant dentures but also a chance for you to clean the implants and the gums surrounding the implants. Having clean gums and implants can decrease the chances for occurrence of peri-implantitis.

What is peri-implant disease?

The consequence of not adequately cleaning your implant dentures can lead to peri-implantitis which is the inflammation of your gums surrounding the implant. If this occurs over and over again it can be classified as peri-implant disease. This happens when bacteria build up on the base of the implant below your gum line. Over time, this build-up irritates the tissue, inflaming it, damaging it, and if nothing's done about it, in time, it will cause the bone structure to begin deteriorating. Once the bone surrounding the implant is lost, the implant itself will fail.

Soak them in a denture cleanser

You may be recommended a specific cleanser by your denturist for your implant dentures. Always clean your dentures by soaking them in a recommended cleanser for the correct amount of time. This is going to help ensure the material stays in tip-top shape and at the same time, gives you the opportunity to inspect for any damage surrounding the locator caps, clips, or any other type of attachments. If anything appears worn or missing, speak with your denturist.

Do I have to brush my dentures?

The underside of your implant dentures should be brushed with a denture brush and a non-abrasive cleaner. At Hayven Dentures, we generally recommend using hand soap or dish soap. Do not use toothpaste designed for real teeth! Toothpaste is very abrasive and will wear away your denture teeth faster than you'd expect. After giving your implant dentures a good scrubbing, you will want to rinse your overdenture thoroughly with water before placing it back into your mouth. This is to ensure no cleaner or soap residue is left on the dentures.

You may have sore spots in your mouth

Although this hopefully won't be the case, some people do experience sore spots in the mouth with implant dentures. When you receive your dentures, your skilled denturist will have to verify that they're secure and stable. The stability of the denture comes from the way your teeth come together when you chew. Sore spots come from the constant rubbing of the denture while you chew and eat. This is why a denturist should be checking your gums as well as how your top and bottom teeth are coming together after insertion.

The wear-down of attachments

Most attachments used inside your dentures will wear down overtime. This wear comes from micro-movements of the implant dentures when you chew and bite and also from the dentures being taken in-and-out everyday. The attachments are more prone to wear and tear if there's any instability and the dentures do not fit closely to your gums, which can happen when your ridges naturally shrink over the years. When this happens, the implant denture clings onto the implants rather than relying on the harmonized balance between the implants and gum tissue. For this reason, the replacement of these attachments should be accessed yearly. If you find your attachments needing to be replaced before 12-24 months, then the actual implants, implant denture and the way you chew needs to be looked at right away.

What you can and cannot eat

Implant dentures are much more stable than a regular denture. If you've had a regular denture before, you've experienced firsthand the struggle. Implant supported dentures are more stable and retentive. You don't need too apply adhesive every day or every hour to keep them in. You will find that you don't need to flex your tongue and cheek muscles to keep your dentures in, or constantly be aware of them potentially becoming loose or falling out of place. There may be some minor restrictions on what you can and cannot eat with dental implants. Some foods are already tough for people with real teeth, such as rock candy and super sticky foods such as tough taffy. These foods may be a bit of a hurdle even for implant dentures as hard foods may damage or chip your denture teeth. That being said, you can still eat most foods and should have no trouble doing so. Chewing's easily done with implant dentures which is a huge benefit. The only thing you need to remember regarding how to take care of them food-wise is to be aware of the foods that are too hard or sticky.

Treat your implant dentures like you would your own teeth

The amazing benefits of implant dentures start with the fact that they look and function just like your natural teeth. Similarly, if you don't care and maintain your implant dentures, they will build up calculus, plaque and stain just like your natural teeth can. Proper oral health hygiene is a must. If cleaned often and thoroughly, the implant denture and the dental implants can last a long enough time which will help you get the most out of them and minimize future costs related to dental repairs, and replacements. Annual visits to your dentist to check on your implants and visits to your denturist to check on your implant dentures are vital in lengthening the life of your dentures. They are an excellent investment in yourself, your health and your well-being. Remember to clean your implant dentures twice a day, using a brush. This is particularly important after meals. A gentle brushing on all sides is all you need! Are you looking for a St. Catharines denturist for implant dentures? You've found us! Give us a call and we can schedule your first consultation to see if these dentures are right for you.

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