Denturist in St. Catharines & Niagara Region
Does your bottom denture feel uncomfortable? Do you worry that it’ll suddenly pop out and cause embarrassment?
One common concern among denture wearers is the stability of their lower dentures. Yet, thanks to Dr. Jiro Abe from Japan, this dental dilemma has now found its matching solution: the Lower Suction Denture Technique, or SEMCD, which is now being practiced worldwide.
We’re proud to offer this latest technique in denture solutions here at Hayven Dentures in St. Catharines, Niagara. Call us today to request your free suction denture consultation.
Also referred to as “the Lower Suction Denture Technique,” SEMCD stands for “Suction Effective Mandibular Complete Denture.” The suction effect produces an airtight seal between the denture and the mouth tissues.
Even patients with advanced resorption of the lower jaw could benefit from this technique. Do note, however, that the treatment outcome largely depends on the quality of its pairing upper denture.
Loose bottom dentures call for frequent reapplication of adhesives. However, this can be inconvenient, especially when you’re always on the go.
You might feel extra conscious when speaking, eating, or laughing in public. Unstable and rocking dentures can cause discomfort and pain.
Achieving a complete seal for the lower jaw is difficult because the tongue and cheek movements interfere with the process. The SEMCD offers a solution to this.
The technique takes an impression of the bite using advanced tools that capture and simulate jaw movements. The base of the denture is also shaped to complement your tongue muscles as you chew and speak. This gingival contouring process results in a more lifelike gum appearance.
You may be a good candidate for lower suction dentures if:
To know if you’re a suitable candidate, your dentist or denturist performs a thorough consultation and examination. Even those who didn't qualify for lower dentures may be able to receive lower suction dentures in some cases.
Other potential tissues, such as a dry mouth or a lack of saliva, will be discussed during the initial consultation so that you're aware of any factors that may impact the procedure's success.
First developed by Dr. Jiro Abe, a dentist from Japan, SEMCD suction dentures are changing the lives of denture wearers worldwide.
This dental technique for replacing missing teeth is based on a rigorous impression-taking process. Each patient’s denture results are carefully analyzed to ensure their device improves their oral and overall health.
We’re pleased to offer this treatment, which is highly regarded by dental professionals from across the globe, to our patients here at Hayven Dentures.
Complete dentures not only restore your natural smile; they also improve jaw alignment and prevent jaw joint-related problems. If your loose dentures are causing you so much stress, consider SEMCD dentures.
Receive treatment for your dental concerns as soon as possible so you can also start cutting back on dental costs earlier. Book your appointment today with a certified SEMCD provider in St. Catharines, ON.
Not all dentists or denturists can offer SEMCD suction dentures. Only those professionally trained and certified can provide the service.
That said, always look for the SEMCD Suction Denture Certification as proof that your dental service provider is qualified and committed to delivering the lower suction denture treatment.
Improper training can result in poor-fitting dentures and potential dental problems. The suction dentures are designed to be accurate, so any inconsistency or error can impact the outcome of the procedure.
Get in touch with us today to learn more about SEMCD suction dentures in St. Catharines, Ontario.
SEMCD suction dentures can work well and are a great alternative to implants. Your dentist can explain the differences between the two and determine which option is more suitable for your situation.
The advantage of these options versus traditional options is that they don’t require adhesives, and the dentures are less likely to move or loosen.
Here’s how SEMCD suction dentures are different from conventional dentures:
The cost for SEMCD suction dentures across Ontario varies from province to province. It can start at $3,700 for both upper and lower dentures. High-quality dentures that can last for 7-10 years or longer would amount to an average of $435 per year.
SEMCD dentures stand out because of their superb precision and the high-quality materials used for the procedure. This greatly reduces the risk of errors that could compromise your comfort and the device’s effectiveness. This is also why the procedure for getting suction dentures takes longer.
Monitoring and recording your mouth and jaw movements and fabricating a device that mimics them takes time. But the result is a denture that won’t let you down, especially when you’re around others. The process is also performed by a certified dental health professional.
You avoid stress and inconveniences related to loose and uncomfortable dentures, you save money on denture adhesives because you won’t need them anymore, and you spend less on dental trips since the necessary adjustment appointments are minimized.